
Posts Tagged ‘pick-up spots’


October 24, 2009 1 comment

mischelle edwards yogalignI’d always try to explain to my single guy friends that one of the sure-fire ways to find some cute chicks is to forget the bars and go to a yoga class. Sure, you have some wacky, supermodel-anorexic namaste-heads on one end of the spectrum, and the full-figured couch potatoes working on a personal revolution on the other, but in the middle you can find some healthy, fit and (more importantly) flexible women.

Yoga classes can cost upwards of $17 these days, and that’s a lot of moolah when you’re taking a class or two a week. So first things first (for anyone interested in taking up yoga, for any reason): if you are a beginner, almost all yoga studios offer the first class for free. If you have 10 yoga studios in a 30 mile radius, that’s 10 free classes to get you going. As well, many studios, colleges, community centers offer a sort of “community” class that typically occurs mid-day for around $5 – so check online and make the calls to find out what’s available in your area.

If you don’t care about making friends, have no intention of exercising with people or prefer to do it at home alone or with a few friends, you can fall back on the trusty iTunes and download a whole slew of yoga podcasts (connect it to the TV for a larger display). Two of my favorites are YOGAmazing and YogaJournal. Thing is, doing yoga incorrectly can be worse than not doing it at all (especially with more advanced poses), so best to have some experience first so you can make sure you maintain proper body positioning. Don’t skip levels – start out slow. Invest in a mat, blocks and a strap. (See also: Cheap Dates)